Monday, April 30, 2012

Community Arts Day and Senior Project Photography Show.
At the end of the week before last, Friday morning I found out that the picture I submitted into my towns Community Arts Day was awarded first place! I could not believe it when I read the e-mail because of the story behind trying to submit the pictures.
So. I was waiting for gym class to start standing out by the trophy case when I saw the sign for entering in Community Arts Day. As I read I was assuming I would have awhile to pick out or take photos for my entry but when I got to the bottom of the page it gave the entry due date at the upcoming Friday, and it was already Monday of that week. I was freaking out because I had been so excited about the idea of entering a picture and what if it actually got in that would be so exciting and everything. I looked for the next two days for pictures to enter so by the time I found the two I wanted it was Thursday. I did not have photography class that day so I was planning to go in during my study hall the print out the pictures but instead I completely forgot and just stayed in study hall and read my book.
I realized that I forgot by the end of the day and was giving up on entering my pictures. I had photography class the next day but it was last block which ends at 2:30 which was the deadline for picture entries so I didn't want to be rushing everything at the extreme last minute so I went to the photo room during my study hall in the middle of the day. I show up all ready to print out and mat my picture but when I walk into the classroom I found out we have a sub...
He doesn't know how to use the printer,and neither do I.
All I did that period was put the pictures into my teachers incoming folder and I would have to figure it all out last block in photo class. I showed up to class and to sub who doesn't know how to do anything photography related is still there, making me even more upset. There are three printers in the photo room that all print on a different kind of paper and with different ink and I got everyone to print my pictures except the one I needed! I ended up finding someone in my class who had the number for my teacher and we called him on his sick day to MAKE him tell me how to use the stupid printer (I hate technology and it hates me back). I got my pictures printed and ten minutes before class was over and the deadline closed I turned in my entry for Community Arts Day unmatted like the paper said they had to be..oops.
I turned them in and still felt stressed but turns out that stress was worth it! I got an award and my pictures hung in the show.
At the end of last block two girls in my school were making piles of peoples pictures they were having hung in their senior project photography show that night and I noticed one that I thought was mine. I picked it up and it was! Underneath there were five more of my picture ready to be hung in the show that night! I called my parents and asked if we could come to the show , they said yes so we got my grandma later that night and off we went. It was amazing! 
Two incredible photography things happened that day and I was really excited all Friday night till Community Arts Day the next day.
I am extremely grateful for those two great surprises both in one day! 
I congratulate you for reading this and spending the last five minutes of your life on me

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