Monday, July 2, 2012


I have been looking through my folders of photos on my computer and I found some pictures that I wanted to see what I could do with editing. I have started and Instagram for my photography. It is just a fun side thing but another way to get my photos out there so I am excited to see how it goes. For any of you with Instagram my photo IG is @ellieophoto and my personal IG is @ellieannao . I would love it if you go could take a look at my pictures! Please and Thank you. Here are some that I just put up. The rest are on my flickr account (the link is in my bio).

Monday, April 30, 2012

Community Arts Day and Senior Project Photography Show.
At the end of the week before last, Friday morning I found out that the picture I submitted into my towns Community Arts Day was awarded first place! I could not believe it when I read the e-mail because of the story behind trying to submit the pictures.
So. I was waiting for gym class to start standing out by the trophy case when I saw the sign for entering in Community Arts Day. As I read I was assuming I would have awhile to pick out or take photos for my entry but when I got to the bottom of the page it gave the entry due date at the upcoming Friday, and it was already Monday of that week. I was freaking out because I had been so excited about the idea of entering a picture and what if it actually got in that would be so exciting and everything. I looked for the next two days for pictures to enter so by the time I found the two I wanted it was Thursday. I did not have photography class that day so I was planning to go in during my study hall the print out the pictures but instead I completely forgot and just stayed in study hall and read my book.
I realized that I forgot by the end of the day and was giving up on entering my pictures. I had photography class the next day but it was last block which ends at 2:30 which was the deadline for picture entries so I didn't want to be rushing everything at the extreme last minute so I went to the photo room during my study hall in the middle of the day. I show up all ready to print out and mat my picture but when I walk into the classroom I found out we have a sub...
He doesn't know how to use the printer,and neither do I.
All I did that period was put the pictures into my teachers incoming folder and I would have to figure it all out last block in photo class. I showed up to class and to sub who doesn't know how to do anything photography related is still there, making me even more upset. There are three printers in the photo room that all print on a different kind of paper and with different ink and I got everyone to print my pictures except the one I needed! I ended up finding someone in my class who had the number for my teacher and we called him on his sick day to MAKE him tell me how to use the stupid printer (I hate technology and it hates me back). I got my pictures printed and ten minutes before class was over and the deadline closed I turned in my entry for Community Arts Day unmatted like the paper said they had to be..oops.
I turned them in and still felt stressed but turns out that stress was worth it! I got an award and my pictures hung in the show.
At the end of last block two girls in my school were making piles of peoples pictures they were having hung in their senior project photography show that night and I noticed one that I thought was mine. I picked it up and it was! Underneath there were five more of my picture ready to be hung in the show that night! I called my parents and asked if we could come to the show , they said yes so we got my grandma later that night and off we went. It was amazing! 
Two incredible photography things happened that day and I was really excited all Friday night till Community Arts Day the next day.
I am extremely grateful for those two great surprises both in one day! 
I congratulate you for reading this and spending the last five minutes of your life on me

Parkleigh is a little shop down town where I live that is on a interesting corner surrounded by old buildings turned into coffee shops and other small shops. I was there with my mom a couple weeks ago and it was rainy and gross outside so I decided to see if I could make something nice out of that day. Here's a little of what I got!

It isn't much but it was fun and I will definitely go back and spend some more time out there again soon.

Artisan Works
About three weeks ago I went on a photography tour/trip to Artisan Works ( with my dad and some other people from a town photography club I am in. It is basically a giant museum of art that sells some of its work, pretty pricey but definitely worth it depending on what you get. They have everything ranging from life size zoo animals to Elvis Presley dolls. I thought it was really interesting but going once is not enough to see everything. Look at the website and see if you would be interesting in going ever and here is a sneak peek inside!

The art inside is pretty amazing! More pictures are on my Flickr and you can also look on the website to learn more.
Thanks and have fun exploring! 


I ordered some photography equipment last week and it arrived in the mail today so I though I  would try it out on my Toms! I got three backdrops ( black, green, and white), lights, and soft light covers. I opened it when I got home and set it up right away. I used the black backdrop and soft light to the right of the Toms so only one side had the main light source on it. With all the other lights off I think the pictures turned out pretty good.

The rest of the pictures are on my Flickr account (the link is on the right side of the page), they are all pretty similar but different ares are in focus and different parts of the shoes are the main subject. If you are interested then go take a look at the rest of them.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I was on two days ago and I found a picture when I searched for creative photography and underneath it was a paragraph about a 16 year old photographer, Ann He. I liked the picture and paragraph so much that I googled her and found her website.She has a website, blog, Facebook fan page and other websites you can get the links for on her website.
I have looked through all her pictures and they are amazing.She is the same age as me and has been published in multiple magazines and in contests.She is a fashion photographer and truly inspiring because I can relate to age and position.I emailed her hoping to hear a little about her and her career. I am not going to say on here what I hear back if I do hear back but I am glad I get the chance to talk to her.
I think if you are interested in fashion photography or photography in general that you should go take a look at her website.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

7:45 in the AM

I woke up yesterday morning at 7:30 to amazing amounts of fog outside my window. I had been planning to wake up early that morning to go to a park up the street from me but I went to bed around 4:30 that morning because I couldn't sleep so I decided that I would go the next morning. I set my alarm for 10 and finally fell asleep. I'm guessing my internal alarm clock had a different plan for me because just three hours later I was out the door on my way to the park.
During the day there are usually what looks like hundreds of geese out on the ponds, there is no fog but it is still gorgeous to watch them all float out there. It is like the scene in The Notebook when Noah and Allie are out in the boat ( my favorite movie by the way). I wanted to see what it would look like early in the morning but when I got there none of the geese were out! Well maybe twenty which isn't a lot compared to how many there are. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. There is an island out in the middle of one of the ponds where all the geese are in the morning making all their geese noises. They swim over one by one by one by one and it is very irritating because I want to get pictures of all of them.
I got some good picture that I like a lot but I am only going to put up a few, the rest are on my Flickr.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hi Everyone!
Its been awhile so I am going to do a lot of blogs in the next couple of days so I can update you on everything that has been happening. BUT! Right now while I have some time I am going to show you my new puppy Juno :)
We went and got her on Saturday from Ohio. Her transition to living here is all done and she now thins she is the queen of the house. Haha :)
So here she is!

She is so tine and gorgeous but she bites! Ouch!
Her and Jasper get a long good. Sometimes there is some tension but we are all settling pretty well with her being her :)  
I actually have to go take her outside now but I will have many more blogs up soon!