Sunday, March 18, 2012

7:45 in the AM

I woke up yesterday morning at 7:30 to amazing amounts of fog outside my window. I had been planning to wake up early that morning to go to a park up the street from me but I went to bed around 4:30 that morning because I couldn't sleep so I decided that I would go the next morning. I set my alarm for 10 and finally fell asleep. I'm guessing my internal alarm clock had a different plan for me because just three hours later I was out the door on my way to the park.
During the day there are usually what looks like hundreds of geese out on the ponds, there is no fog but it is still gorgeous to watch them all float out there. It is like the scene in The Notebook when Noah and Allie are out in the boat ( my favorite movie by the way). I wanted to see what it would look like early in the morning but when I got there none of the geese were out! Well maybe twenty which isn't a lot compared to how many there are. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. There is an island out in the middle of one of the ponds where all the geese are in the morning making all their geese noises. They swim over one by one by one by one and it is very irritating because I want to get pictures of all of them.
I got some good picture that I like a lot but I am only going to put up a few, the rest are on my Flickr.

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