Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Stroll Through the Woods

Hi everybody,
Saying that makes me feel like I am addressing tons and tons of people even though I am pretty sure I'm not, but I hope one day I will be so I'll keep saying it anyway (  to remind myself I'll get there eventually ). 
So! Today I went for a walk in the woods, I'm guessing in the morning because there was a lot of time left in the day after but I don't know what time exactly I went. My dog Jasper came with me and we were gone for around two hours. We started our walk on the trail my family made in the woods that we call the "walking trail" that is for anybody who feels like going for a walk in the woods. So we started on the trail but very soon in we took a turn and went over a hill and just kept walking to see what we could find. Yes we have been back there before but there is always something new plus we have not been to the cottage in two weeks. We went on our walk originally to go find some treasures in the woods. Treasures being animal bones and such. Those are the types of things we find at the cottage :)
I brought my camera with me. Of Course! 
I took some pictures that I am in love with so I thought I would share them with you
Here we go!...
I would not say that this is my favorite picture but 
I took it today and I am in love with it. It is looking down
the neck of a glass bottle I found in the woods at the little 
world that is growing inside of it.

This is the skull of I am guessing a fox. I have even done 
some Google-ing with my mom to compare it with other
animals and the only other things it would be is a wolf but
we are thinking it is a little small for that. This is one of the 
things I brought back to the cottage after our walk :).

This is a baby pink fungi that is growing on a log that I
thought looked so cute I had to take a picture.
I tried to get a good picture but I didn't expect it to
come out as good as I think it looks.

These are little baby fungi that are growing on a log, and
there were actually a lot of the all down the length of the log. 
A picture of that is on my Flickr, but I also did a close up
and I am really glad I did because I think the
detail is amazing! You can see all the little I'm
 going to say hairs but I am not sure what they are.

These are some of my favorite from today but the rest of them are on my Flickr so go take a look 
if you liked these. The link is at the top of the page.
I didn't finish writing this today oops! So all of
this actually happened yesterday.
Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I don't usually edit my photos because what I like best is the natural beauty of the things I take pictures of. The detail that goes with them or the environment they are in and colors and things. But I did find some pictures that I didn't like that much but I wished looked good so I decided that I would try some editing. I think they turned out great! 
My mom and I stopped an area with a lot of trains and train tracks but I am not sure what it was. If they were being fixed or cleaned or build. 

These are a daisy that I applied the 1960'6 edit by 10's until it was as high as it could go then put the all together

This is some sap on the pole that holds up our flags at my cottage that looked pretty plain when I took it but the detail was so cool I didn't want to not be able to use it
Thanks for reading :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Flickr

I haven't mentioned it yet but I have a Flickr account with a lot of my photographs on there but I do have some new ones to update it with which I will be doing as soon as I can. This weekend I work a lot so on my breaks during rotation I know I will be blogging a lot and organizing my photos and things. I'm a lifeguard by the way. Is anybody else? Do you like it? Tell me a little about it if you feel like and we can compare. Its fun to do that kinda stuff sometimes. But anyway yes I have a Flickr and I have a lot of my photos on it and they are all together and nice so I think you should take a look if you have some time. Who knows maybe you'll find something you like.
Thank you for reading!
Please come back

Clothes Line

Alright! Its been about a week since I went to the Clothes Line festival and I know I am way overdue for putting up the photos but I have been so insanely busy this week.
I had an amazing time there with my mom. It was really hot so we had to buy me a T-shirt that is pink and says " You mow girl" and it has a picture of a lady mowing the law in her work clothes. I also got a picture from Ted Tatarzyn that I think is fantastic. I learned all about how he took the picture and the trip he was on when he took it and other trips hes been on and I just had to get this photo. My mom helped me pay for it and it was definitely worth it. I know I will be getting more of his pictures in the future but for now how about you go look at them.
I also got another photo I like a lot . It is black and white and its a close up on people holding hands but I don't have a website for who I got it from. Sorry.

Okay here are some pictures I took to show you the size and crowds at the festival.

Lines for food were at least a 20 minute wait for some probably longer

The drink lines weren't as long

That's about it for pictures and I know it doesn't look like much but if you know what it is and there's a way you could get to it next year or even if you just want to message me and I can tell you where it is and other details but privately that would be great too. It is really fun and if you don't buy anything its still a good experience.
Thank you for reading!


Hi everybody!
I'm so so so sorry its taken me this long to put up the pictures from the festival. I have had a super crazy week with school starting and I had to change my schedule around and I also had work and homework and photography club started and everything. I've been super busy but I promise I will be blogging from now on at least once a week but I hope more because I think its fun to look around and read people's blogs when I'm bored sometimes. So I hope I have some things you guys will find interesting enough to keep coming back for more. I have a list of thing I need to blog about so I'll try to get those all up soon because I know I'm very behind. I also realize that for awhile my blog hasn't been able to be viewed by anyone but last night my sister Caitlin actually fixed it for me so I spent all night making it look the way it does so I hope everybody likes it. I have also been recently informed that I do have some typing errors. I type fast and don't always pay attention or go back and read to make sure everything is spelled the right way like their and there. I'll work on that.
  Sorry again for all the issues that have been going on but I'm about to spend quite awhile blogging so I'll get everything up that has been going on lately for you guys to see.
Thanks for reading this it really means a lot to me :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Off to the festival!

Has anyone ever been to the Clothes Line Festival??
If you know what it is and you've never been but you have the ability to get there then go! right now! It starts at 10 and its $5 to get in.
If you don't know what it is then how about I tell you a little bit about it?
It is basically an art festival but there is food and music and bands there too. All types of artists enter there work to be chosen to show their pieces in the festival. Photographers, sculptors, painters, potters, craft makers, clothing makers. Just about any type of artist there is. It is rows and rows of white tens with the artist and there work sitting there all day watching people walk by or stop and look at their work. They love to talk about there pieces , if you ask them a question some will talk forever to you about it and some will say one word but they all enjoy the nice people. The art that's there is abstract, modern, high tech, old or old looking. It is so interesting to go around and see what these people do for a passion. They create these items to show people and hope someone will like them enough to but some from them.
It is a really fun place to be so if you can go you should but it is just this weekend so hurry!It has a great atmosphere and is definitively an experience you want to have in life
My passion being photography makes this a great place because there are a wide variety pf photographers that shoot all different subjects. People, landscape, buildings, seasons. Anything you can think of just about. 
I am bringing my camera and later today or tomorrow I will put my pictures up to show you all what I saw and so you can see a little bit about what it is.
I hope everybody has a great day like I know I'm going to :)
Thank you for reading and come back soon to see the pictures!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A day in the life of Jasper at the cottage

I have an American Eskimo dog named Jasper. He is my favorite subject but hates getting his picture taken. We got him when he was very young and took him home to be part of our family. 
We always joke that he never got to read the Manuel about how to be a dog because he does some activities most dogs owners would never even think of having their dog do.
But he also does some normal ones too such as


and sleeping allll day
But when he's not doing those activities hes doing some not so normal ones like...


looking for giant mushrooms with mommy


and wearing jewelry
He doesn't know everything he should and should do as a dog but we love him anyways. Hes very feminine and I've only ever found one person who has a problem with it but we think hes the best dog in the whole world.
Hes been in agility classes and obedience when he was little so he is extremely well behaved. He was very easy to train and is still learning new thing today. he latest trick is kisses when you ask for them :)