Saturday, September 10, 2011

Off to the festival!

Has anyone ever been to the Clothes Line Festival??
If you know what it is and you've never been but you have the ability to get there then go! right now! It starts at 10 and its $5 to get in.
If you don't know what it is then how about I tell you a little bit about it?
It is basically an art festival but there is food and music and bands there too. All types of artists enter there work to be chosen to show their pieces in the festival. Photographers, sculptors, painters, potters, craft makers, clothing makers. Just about any type of artist there is. It is rows and rows of white tens with the artist and there work sitting there all day watching people walk by or stop and look at their work. They love to talk about there pieces , if you ask them a question some will talk forever to you about it and some will say one word but they all enjoy the nice people. The art that's there is abstract, modern, high tech, old or old looking. It is so interesting to go around and see what these people do for a passion. They create these items to show people and hope someone will like them enough to but some from them.
It is a really fun place to be so if you can go you should but it is just this weekend so hurry!It has a great atmosphere and is definitively an experience you want to have in life
My passion being photography makes this a great place because there are a wide variety pf photographers that shoot all different subjects. People, landscape, buildings, seasons. Anything you can think of just about. 
I am bringing my camera and later today or tomorrow I will put my pictures up to show you all what I saw and so you can see a little bit about what it is.
I hope everybody has a great day like I know I'm going to :)
Thank you for reading and come back soon to see the pictures!

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