Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just a little about my photography

I have been interested in photography for the past couple of years but I have never tried to take it farther than an interest. The camera I used to use was not a good one to take the kind of pictures I want to take and they weren't coming out good and so I gave up a little on that hobby. I took a photography class in school and that didn't go so well but at the end of last year I really wanted to take pictures again. I got a job and saved up my money for a couple of months and I finally got a good camera! I chose the COOLPIX P500 Nikon because it did everything I was looking for. I do not use it as a fun camera to take pictures with my friend, it's strictly for my photography and I love it. If anyone has any questions about the camera feel free to ask me about it and I will tell you as much as I can. The thing I love most about my photography or photography in general is the detail.  Most of my pictures are close ups with as much detail I can get while still being able to tell what the picture is.
This is clearly a flower but I thought the detail in the center of it was amazing, I couldn't not take the picture. I tend to take nature pictures and animals. I don't get the same enjoyment out of taking people pictures as I do the others, the detail isn't the same.
Most of my pictures are taken at my cottage in Canada because I spend a lot of time there and at home I always have something to do it seems like so I dont always have a lot of time to take pictures. But don't worry I'm going to make time.
School starts soon and its my junior year and I'm going to be taking another photography class and I also want to be in photo club so I can get more chances to take pictures. I am entering some of my pictures into a cottage life magazine photo contest and I hope to get good results but its fine if I don't.
I am planning on going to collage to major in photography but I also might try and to photojournalism or something like that so I can have the writing aspect of photography. My goal in life right now is to work for National Geographic some day then open my own studio. I'm starting my blog, twitter and Flickr all now so I can have a bit of a background in photography and my name out into the world a little before I try to achieve these goals.

I have two other blogs in my mind right now that I'm not sure ill get to writing today but they will be up soon so please come back and look for them!
Thanks for reading !

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